Joist Repair Reinforcers

Innovative design for enhanced joist structural Integrity and installation speed.

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Long-term effectiveness

Increased efficiency

Superior strength

Speed-up your job

Introducing Metwood’s joist repair reinforcers™, engineered steel additions destined to revolutionize your construction projects. These reinforcers provide the flexibility to run utilities through wood joists, be it engineered i-joists or conventional 2x joists, without compromising their structural integrity.

These reinforcers bolster the joists’ strength around the utility hole, making them stronger than uncut joists. Now, you can seamlessly run electrical, plumbing, or HVAC systems through joists, safe in the knowledge that the stability of your structure is not at risk. Elevate your construction efficiency and safety with Metwood’s joist repair reinforcers™.





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There are multiples applications for this product which can make your project more profitable…“
John Smith – Builder


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Rendering of the Metwood 250 FR14 I-Joist Flange Reinforcer applied to an I-joist notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
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