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Rendering showing the use of a deck ledger bracket when applied to a home with a siding veneer.
The MTW Deck Ledger Bracket™ can be utilized on structures with vinyl siding, stone veneer, or other smaller veneers installed as an alternate deck ledger connection.
Rendering showing the use of a deck ledger bracket when applied to a home with a brick veneer.
The MTW Deck Ledger Bracket™ for Brick can be utilized on structures with brick, stone, masonry and other similar veneer options as an alternate deck ledger connection.
Rendering of a the Metwood 2810HR joist Repair Reinforcer applied to a HVAC hole in a wood joist.
The Metwood 2810HR™ Joist Repair Reinforcer allows the placement of a 6” diameter hole in a 2×10 or 2×12 wood joist and a 4” diameter hole in a 2×8.
Rendering of the Metwood 210NR Joist Notch Repair Reinforcer applied to a notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
The 210NR joist Repair Notch Reinforcer™ allows you to repair a 5″ wide by 3″ deep notch cut into a 2×10 joist, it does not require glue, and all fasteners are included.
Rendering of the Metwood 28NR Joist Repair Notch Reinforcer applied to a joist notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
The 28NR Joist Repair Notch Reinforcer allows you to repair a 5″ wide by 3″ deep notch cut into a 2×8 joist, it does not require glue, and all fasteners are included.
Rendering of the Metwood 250 FR11 I-Joist Flange Reinforcer applied to an I-joist notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
250 FR11 I-Joist Flange Reinforcers™ are designed to repair a notch cut from the top or bottom flange portion of a 11-7/8″ tall I-Joist with a 2.5″ flange.
Rendering of the Metwood 250 FR14 I-Joist Flange Reinforcer applied to an I-joist notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
250 FR14 I-Joist Flange Reinforcers™ are designed to repair a notch cut from the top or bottom flange portion of a 14 inch tall I-Joist with a 2.5″ flange.
Rendering of the Metwood 250 FR16 I-Joist Flange Reinforcer applied to an I-joist notch for a PVC plumbing pipe.
250 FR16 I-Joist Flange Reinforcers™ are designed to repair a notch cut from the top or bottom flange portion of a 16 inch tall I-Joist with a 2.5″ flange.
Rendering of the Metwood 250WR I-Joist Web Reinforcer applied to an I-joist with a large hole.
250WR I-Joist Web Reinforcers™ are designed to repair an opening in the web portion of an I-joist up to 12 inches high by 16 inches wide.
Image of a beam being placed into a ICF Beam Hanger for Suspended Concrete Floor Systems by Metwood Building Solutions.
Metwood ICF Hangers are made from heavy-gauge galvanized steel supporting 18,000lbs each, seamlessly integrating into poured walls for reliable suspended concrete floor construction.
Rendering of a small length of the Metwood TUFF JOIST™ Floor Joist System illustrating two utility races for ease of installation of utilities in the floor system.
TUFF JOIST+™ Floor Joist System combines the strength and consistency of C-Stud joists, the flexibility of pre-punched reinforced access holes, and Metwood’s patented internal reinforcing technology.
Image of a basement with framing using the Metwood TUFF BEAM™ Structural CFS Beam to allow wide open space.
The Metwood TUFF BEAM™ is the key to expansive, unobstructed designs to create beautiful open spaces.
Image of a RIM BEAM™ by Metwood Building Solutions sitting on top of a steel framed wall with a beautiful clear blue sky in the background.
Remove the need for headers above windows and doors while being more energy-efficient.
The future of floor construction where design flexibility meets ease of installation and exceptional structural integrity.
Image of a Metwood Trimmable SQUARE COLUMN™ supporting a steel girder with a beautiful clear blue sky in the background.
Versatile structural support columns designed for better strength and efficiency.
Image of a back porch with a concrete deck and a storage shed beneath with a two level staircase and wrought iron handrails.
Simplifying Deck Installation with Concrete Strength and Enormous Flexibility.
The 28NR Joist Repair Notch Reinforcer™ is the strongest joist notch repair reinforcer available on the market.
Innovative design for enhanced joist structural Integrity and installation speed.

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